[SOLVED] Coax cable is not working? Can i fix it myself?


Sep 9, 2015
So I changed internet providers and my new 2 in 1 modem/router has a Coax cable for internet unlike my older one which used an ADSL. I tried 2 different Coax ports in my house while on the phone with my ISP and they could not activate my equipment. The modem/router was just scanning for downstream channels for a good 15 minutes. They said they will send a tech but it will be $40-$50. I want to see if my condo's junction box has an unplugged cable to my room. Furthermore, if there is no problem with the cable in the junction box, what would the technician actually do to allow internet access through my coax cable? Would I need a new cable, strip some wiring from my wall, etc?
Can u do it yourself? it depends what your "geek quotient" is and if u have to ask, that not a good sign.

The cable provider comes into your unit to a place oftenly called a NID, is usually a gray box, can be plastic or metal mounted just outside your unit, u open that puppy (sometimes needs a special tool to open) and if you see coax cable in it BAM! There is one incoming coax, and 1 or more distributing coax going into your house and u may see a splitter here. The issue is mostly because the incoming cable is either disconnected, or connected to a distributing coax not going where you think it goes.

That is the gist. U can figure that out, can DIY. Can't figure that out, have to rely on Pros.
Can u do it yourself? it depends what your "geek quotient" is and if u have to ask, that not a good sign.

The cable provider comes into your unit to a place oftenly called a NID, is usually a gray box, can be plastic or metal mounted just outside your unit, u open that puppy (sometimes needs a special tool to open) and if you see coax cable in it BAM! There is one incoming coax, and 1 or more distributing coax going into your house and u may see a splitter here. The issue is mostly because the incoming cable is either disconnected, or connected to a distributing coax not going where you think it goes.

That is the gist. U can figure that out, can DIY. Can't figure that out, have to rely on Pros.

SO basically i find this box and a coax cable that is going to my unit. If it aint, plug it in, if it is, give up and wait for the professional to show up.