COD Black ops 4 on a Phenom CPU


Jul 1, 2018
Does anyone know if Call of Duty Black ops 4 works on an AMD Phenom CPU?

My specs are

CPU - AMD Phenom II x4 975

GPU - GTX 1050 TI

RAM - 12gb 1333MHz ddr3 ram

Motherboard - ASRock N68-GS4 FX

By the way, my CPU can handle this game, I only want to know if Activision wrote code for AMD Phenom CPUs. because I could not boot the beta because they did not write the code yet.

Full specs please. Any phenom will be below min spec and will not give you a good experience. Another problem is that the phenoms lack a couple instruction sets which bo4 seems to need to launch so I'm afraid the game won't even launch on your system or if it does it will crash immediatly.