Info COD HQ BETA crashing on load screen...


Jul 10, 2024
This won't be relevant for everyone, but after many different attempts to get it going, including verifying the files in Steam, GPU Drivers, Firewall settings etc. Even tried the BattleNet version and same problem.

Finally found the problem was that the CPU was overclocked along with a voltage increase.

FIX: Went into the BIOS and set back to Automatic and re-booted and the game loaded and continued thru to be totally playable, with no further issues. This was with the closed and opened Beta.

Originally, the game would load in with the Indian Splash Screen and load bar then go full screen, then go black with just the mouse cursor. After about 20 seconds a box appeared telling me that the game was not shut down properly and do I want to go into it in safe mode. Tried everything up till the overclock change but couldn't get it to run. Even the Bootloader.log file was telling me that the game loaded sucessfully. Hope it helps some of you out there....cheers.
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