Code 43: GTX 780. Getting error and the resolution is locked at 1024x768


Jan 10, 2016
So basically today i upgraded my pc from windows 7 to 10. Right after the installation was complete i could see the resolution was pretty low. Also i couldn't change it. It is just greyed out.
In the device manager there is an exclamation point and it says code 43 inside the gtx 780.
I don't think it is a hardware issue since it came right after the upgrade. I build the pc my self a year ago, and haven't had any GPU problems.

What i have tried:
Delete and reinstall drivers through windows
Delete and reinstall drivers from nvidias website, the installer said i did not have anything compatible, so could not complete the install.
Restarted and completely shutdown.
use DDU(display driver uninstaller) It completely uninstalls drivers from your PC and your registry. Normaly that fixes the problems. You see that's why is always better to do clean install instead of upgrading from old windows to new.
use DDU(display driver uninstaller) It completely uninstalls drivers from your PC and your registry. Normaly that fixes the problems. You see that's why is always better to do clean install instead of upgrading from old windows to new.