jaslion :
koinuchan :
jaslion :
koinuchan :
I was wondering if there's anything I can download that would make my Macbook automatically swap certain colors? My macbook is showing green static anywhere there is black or black-ish colors. If I could tell my macbook to take any appearance of those problem colors and swap them out with a similar color that does NOT show green static, it would be a nice temporary fix until I get my display connector repaired.
Basically, I would just be programming my macbook to replace all instances of "x color" with "y color" or something like that. Does this make sense? Should I clarify more?
Thing is your gpu is sending out the correct colors but the display is getting wrong data due to the connector so there is no way it can know that it's displaying green as it's display the corrupted data correctly.
That's true, but I myself can point out which color is causing the green to appear. If I can select a color, and tell my mac to replace that selected color with another one, it should theoretically work. The colors won't be 100% perfect of course; but it would be better than the green static.
Thing is that the static will just change color as it will still be misinterpreted.
Not really; The static never changes color. It only appears on top of a certain color. Any place where that specific color is absent on the screen, the static does not appear. So I just need to keep that specific color from appearing at all.
I'm hoping there's a program that would let me do that. For example; when using after effects, if I'm looking at a clip of a girl with a red shirt, I can take an eye-dropper tool and touch it to her shirt and tell AE to swap that red with blue. After that, her shirt as well as any other red object in the video clip will automatically look blue from here on out. So I'm looking for a program that would let me select a certain color (black, perhaps is the problem color) and have that color automatically swapped with something similar but different (a dark navy?) whether the color appears on my desktop or on a webpage or anything.
It's theoretically possible, but probably not likely that anyone has made a program like this since there aren't too many reasons for it.