That's a nice looking block.
Slightly conflicted on the reference card, though. On one hand, I think it's kinda stupid of nvidia to not let manufacturers make better cards, and on the other hand, in the case of this company which I've never heard of, I'd probably be more careful with a non-reference PCB, because I wouldn't trust their quality 100%.
Pretty cool but I have to say to Colorful: You're a bunch of fking retards to slap on the iGame name. We're already underwhelmed with all this "i" bs and besides that Apple does not have any real correlation with serious gaming. Either the person naming this is a delusional fanboy or they think there are enough sheep building pc's to be enticed by the "i". Get a grip idiots.
"This is because Nvidia has restricted manufacturers from altering the PCB design."
I kinda like this.
Most times i had no idea if a cooler would fit my GPU or not.
Shady that manufactures cannot boost the vrm's, replace components with more premium versions, BOOST THE VOLTAGE for even higher clock speeds. The main reason for water cooling is to remove a higher wattage worth of heat. When you can't boost the voltage it's not the cooling thats limiting the overclock it is the instability of too low a voltage to get the clock any higher. Even though you have the thermal headroom to dissipate the extra heat from increased voltage nvidia doesn't allow it. Not saying the titan isn't already a great card but this water cooling with voltage increases should be able to get past 1200mhz. Screw you nvidia for locking down the voltages.