Combine Internet aka Internet Bonding


Mar 11, 2015
Hello everyone, so just about last night I found out about Internet bonding, saw a video from a guy named Nerdgasm, I saw they both used a device and connected two different ethernet cables from two different modems and it seemed like that device combined both internet connections and provided one including both speeds. So my question is, will this work as I suppose it should work? Like having double download speed and upload? 

I'm from Venezuela, unfortunately we have a monopoly in terms of basic services such as electricity, internet, etc. I already got the maximum internet speed I could have in this country and not too many can get (not because of price) 

Here's what I want to do in less words:

I live in the 7th floor of a building,
Cantv is my Phone and Internet provider, I already have an internet service with my phone ending in ***51, I get 10mb download in that service.

I own another house right next to me and I have an Internet service with my other phone ending in ***65, I get 6mb download in that service.

Can I get a device where I can connect my two modems and get an output totalling 16 mb?


It is far more complex than this to run BGP. First you need a AS number which you have to apply for and is somewhat hard to get since there are a limited number. Even worse you need a /24 block of public ip since that is the minimum block size they route via BGP. That is almost a impossibility even for a large company. Even if you are...
I know you can do this with BGP if your ISP(s) supports it and you have a router that supports it. You can can also use split routing where you can define by traffic or gateway assignment which internet connection is used for what. Both of these options generally require a business class gateway router. So there are protocols to do what you want, but it might not be possible with basic DSL.
You can buy a dual LAN/WAN connection router but it will *NOT* increase your speed into a single pipeline. What it will do is help spread the load around if you are streaming while gaming. If you are using torrent applications, you might see a performance increase, but for general household use and non-professional level service and hardware, you will not. Greetings from the USA.

I can buy myself any router or device needed to do the task I want, basically I won't be able to double my speed?

It is far more complex than this to run BGP. First you need a AS number which you have to apply for and is somewhat hard to get since there are a limited number. Even worse you need a /24 block of public ip since that is the minimum block size they route via BGP. That is almost a impossibility even for a large company. Even if you are willing to pay lots of money you still have to prove you need and are going to use them.

Even after all that you will still only be able to use a single internet connection. First the /24 block will all run on a single ISP connection. BGP is run as "BEST" path selection which means there is only 1 no matter how many physical connections you have. This is even more true when you have mulitple ISP.

Now if you could somehow get 2 /24 blocks you could advertise one on one ISP and the second on the other ISP.....but again it is close to impossible to get even 1 ./24 block.

I don't think I said it wasn't complicated. I was referencing the available technologies that support multi gateway network configurations. Professionally, I have access to around 10K publc IPs on multiple class C and class B subnets. I have no idea what's available in Venezuela, but in my experience public IPs aren't that hard to get. It depends on what your requesting,what agency you're requesting through, and what their qualifying parameters are. In general, this means talking to your ISP, and if the Ven government or other monopoly is the sole provider of IPs in Ven, then they would be the folks to talk to about how to go about doing this. or not.