Combine two routers


Feb 21, 2014
Ok hello everyone, my name is Steve and I'm a new user here. I do have IT Networking knowledge but my knowledge of doing it between routers is limited as this is my first time.

The thing I am looking for is the following: Connect two networks together, two routers (Linksys and a Netgear) but keep them both private and on their own in terms of IP range and such, but also utilize the Netgear as a Private Network with out internet at times. (for file sharing between my laptop and an iPod/Android client for videos and such without affecting WLAN on Linksys, private network for streaming audio/video library and such without chewing up the internet bill, etc.)

This is how I'd like to lay it out and my current and proposed setup


Router 1: Linksys E1200 running Stock 1.0 firmware connected to scientific Atlanta TWC Modem, internal lan is Class C, with subnet of main router for internet


Router 2 (Netgear N600 WNDR3400 that I will be receiving in the mail in a few days by Wednesday next week or so, wanting to setup as Class B IP range but with the mask (172.16.x.x unknown yet, bus as when I have it connected to the Linksys for internet I don't want the two fighting and conflicting, rather keep them both separate but have router A do its job for Router B to provide Net access when needed and simply "plug and play" in a way, I know that I will probably have to assign static routes in both A and B, correct me if I am wrong) but when off internet id like the Class B intact for internal Lan use.

Am I making sense or if you would like clarification, please let me know. Thanks - Steve
What you want to do can be done with the equipment you have purchased but it is really not the best equipment for the job. Ok here is what I would do:
If you want to be as plug and play as possible I would leave the Linksys router alone. I would run a cable (I assume you are going to use wires to connect the 2 routers) from the LAN port of your Linksys to the WAN port of your Netgear. You can just use DHCP on the Netgear WAN interface. I would not use a class B network unless you have more than 254 clients you are attaching to it. I would set up another class C network on the Netgear in a different subnet. So like if you use 192.168.140 on your Linksys you could use like 192.168.150 on your Netgear. If you plan to use 2.4ghz on...
What you want to do can be done with the equipment you have purchased but it is really not the best equipment for the job. Ok here is what I would do:
If you want to be as plug and play as possible I would leave the Linksys router alone. I would run a cable (I assume you are going to use wires to connect the 2 routers) from the LAN port of your Linksys to the WAN port of your Netgear. You can just use DHCP on the Netgear WAN interface. I would not use a class B network unless you have more than 254 clients you are attaching to it. I would set up another class C network on the Netgear in a different subnet. So like if you use 192.168.140 on your Linksys you could use like 192.168.150 on your Netgear. If you plan to use 2.4ghz on both devices I would put them on different channels. I would use only channels 1,6, or 11. Make sure your channel width on both is set to 20mhz (not 40mhz or auto). Since your Linksys cannot do 5ghz you don't have to worry about any conflict on that band with your Netgear.

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