combined Memory fails MemTest86 but pass individually

Frank Villasenor

Apr 1, 2013
I've been working on this problem for some time now. I'm going to try to spare much of the detail as I don't know what is needed and what is not.

Built the computer system about 2 months ago. Installed windows. Things were working and about a week in, started locking and BSOD. Ran memtest, failed. Replaced RAM.

Received new RAM [], installed and all seemed fine. For good measure, ran MemTest on the new RAM, and it passed. No problems.

Now a month later, I'm seeing lock ups again. I run Memtest, and I have {new} failures. (The errors this and last time are actually different. This was the most notable difference)


In trying to figure out what is going on, I'm led to testing each stick individually. I start by going down to half the memory and still get errors. So at least one of the two is bad, at least in theory...

I go down to one; it passes (twice). I try the other, it passes the test (twice).

So, by themselves, they pass MemTest but together they fail (I checked this again and despite just passing individually, they continue to fail together.)

So the question is, is this RAM Bad or is the motherboard bad?

Details of build:

Additional notes: I took one of these "good" sticks and ran it through 2 passes in each slot. All memory slots passed individually. So, it is putting the two together that seems to trigger the issue.

Any insight appreciated.

"Enabling Turbo UCC, it will automatically help you to unlock the extra CPU core to enjoy an instant performance boost, and the system performance will boost up by overclocking CPU frequency, memory frequency and all related voltage settings" Double check these settings are all set to factory default. I would say that it is a MB issue as you have already gone through one set. The fact that the problem arises when both are in makes me think it's related to a power issue?

BIOs is the latest. During the start of this trouble shooting, I did reset the BIOs but even before that, I hadn't done anything to the memory (or CPU other than turn off cool-n-quiet). The memory was running on the conservative settings. Since then, I've tried to match the memory profile settings by manually setting things. Interestingly, while errors still existed they weren't as prevalent. For example out of 7 runs (overnight), 5 passed and 2 failed (MemTest86+ 4.20)

See previous quote response but no advanced BIOs settings were changed and I reset the BIOs at the start of this.

I've been thinking that it's a MB issue too but I can't isolate components. As it happens, it was pointed out that the PSU I had was of poor quality. And while it may not be causing the issue, I'd do well to replace it. My replacement should be sitting at home when I return from the office.

I hope to install it and further isolate the issue. If the problem persists, I'll be contacting the MB make to get an RMA. All of this is just reaching around in the dark.... I'm hoping for some definativeness.

Thanks to both of you for your thoughtful replies.
Good luck! I would do a manual test with multimeter on the PSU you have to see if it is delivering what it should.
If you are feeling particularly brave then go ahead and check the actual voltage across the RAM slots. (I'm not sure how easy/safe this is as I have never actually done it, check out a few of the tutorials and decide for yourself if you are comfortable doing it).
Unfortunately there are so many possibilities all you can do is reach around in the dark untill you stumble upon the answer.
Update too this in case anyone is interested.

I've had the RAM replaced under warrenty (so, I'm on the third set). I also replaced the motherboard with the make's warrenty. I also replaced the PSU with a higher quaility Corsair than what I had been using in case that caused issue for either the Memory or Motherboard.

Anyway, I just put the computer back together and I'm getting memory errors again.

I've concluded it's the processor. I don't see what else it could be. It's basically a new computer now except for the video card and the processor.