Combining 2 laptops?


Nov 13, 2015
its just a question cos my brother has an old laptop and i do as well, if i get a new case will i be able to merge them together? like being able to use both the cores, hard drives, graphics card, etc, i've read online and it says that i'd need a type of custom motherboard to be able to do this, any help would be appreciated
No you won't be able to merge them. The CPUs are not intended to be used in a multi-socket motherboard, and they may be soldered to the motherboard in the laptop. You might be able to reuse the hard drives, and the RAM. That is about it. If the laptops are old, even the RAM and hard drives may be better off in the recycle bin.
No you won't be able to merge them. The CPUs are not intended to be used in a multi-socket motherboard, and they may be soldered to the motherboard in the laptop. You might be able to reuse the hard drives, and the RAM. That is about it. If the laptops are old, even the RAM and hard drives may be better off in the recycle bin.