Comcast Says Time Warner Merger Will Mean Faster Internet

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now I don't know if you've thought this through Comcast, but I'm not sure what I can do with 'faster internet' under the tyranny f your data caps... Perhaps you're trying to make me hit the cap faster so I'll cough up more dough?
As an IT manager for a company who has a cable/DSL connection at over 250 locations, this is good news. A large portion of our connectivity comes from TWC & Comcase so the concept of high speed options in our larger metropolitan sites is good for our customers and our bottom line. Now they just have to buy up Cox and they're ready to rumble...
Not just no, but HELL NO. It's bad enough having to pay per GB with these clowns, but they are doing everything in their power to smash out the competition and make the consumer pay MORE for the same service that the competition offers. I hope, no I pray that the FCC shuts this deal down.
Cox just doubled my internet connection speed(now ~70Mbps Down & ~13Mbps Up) two months ago at no cost. You're telling me that neither of these two cable providers can do anything like this, unless they become one? Sounds like BS to me. Historically, the consumer does not benefit from these mergers, despite the marketing/spin.
Disgusting. If anything, the Federal government should be looking how to bust up these monopolies and get them the **** away from our buried cable (and regulate it like a utility). They are a monopoly, through and through. You should see what other countries get for $30 a month, it make me sick when I think our $ is going to Comcast so they can buy NBC and now Time Warner. Disgusting.
This is the same Comcast that (along with Verizon) is already throttling the competition (Netflix) on their network since the net neutrality got struck down by a sold-out judge. If anyone believes their spin on this, I am also selling Brooklyn Bridge.
This is the kinda stuff horror stories are made of. The ATT and TMobile merger got shutdown, and I think it pales in comparison to this one. Here's to hoping this one gets shutdown as well.
This will most likely go through for 2 reasons. FCC cannot regulate cable companies because they do not broadcast. They are not monopolizing a single carrier wave.Secondly, lol I would hate to be one of their customers. Cox is ... AWESOME; and they look awesome because Time Warner and Comcast are such [removed].

Watch the language. - G
This will most likely go through for 2 reasons. FCC cannot regulate cable companies because they do not broadcast. They are not monopolizing a single carrier wave.Secondly, lol I would hate to be one of their customers. Cox is ... AWESOME; and they look awesome because Time Warner and Comcast are such [removed] .
You think Comcast isn't already eyeing up Cox? Comcast has been buying up every major cable company it can pretty much since it was created.
Just frickin' great :-/ Because all we need in the US is less ISP competition, all communications for that matter, and even larger monopolies. Proud to be merican' my a&$. I place no hope in FCC ruling, they are a EPIC fail just like all other oversight.
If they used all the money they stockpile from insane service rates and put it towards upgrading the infrastructure in the first place instead of buying up every other company in the country, their lame "customers will benefit..." all would be a moot to begin with.
Hahaha, right... These guys are just backstabbing Netflixs' business model by introducing the caps and hurting the consumer at the end.It really puzzles me how the USA people can put up with stunts like this from big corps.Cheers!
Remember that these two were already systemically avoiding competing with each other - so prices aren't likely to go up, except for how the merged company will have much larger incentives to lobby at the national level since they are effectively doubling comcasts coverage area.
This makes me love being on CenturyLink even more, as i only need internet.Cable would be nice but not necessary
As a TWC customer I don't know if this is good, bad, or ugly TWC is rather piss poor itself. The problem is I haven't heard anything good about Comcast either so it'll probably just compound a bad situation for both customers with a even bigger monopoly.
I'm rooting for the merger because I dislike both companies. The fact is, they are already doing a good job of being un-competitive and having one big cable company in all the major markets will help tilt the scale towards REGULATION and (in my ideal world) nationalization of the industry.If the market has a billion dollar barrier to entry, a few major players that 'negotiate' exclusive service areas, and is essential to the country and economy as a whole, AND on top of that provides sub-par service at very high costs while extracting a lot of wealth from the public, it should just be nationalized.I would like to see a non-profit or alternative internet provider pop up, but I have no idea how they would raise the billions required to lay a sustainable amount of fiber PLUS fight off all the lawsuits and hostilities from whatever monopoly/duopoly that currently owns the given area..
Ummm.. hell no. These companies already rank up with Monsanto as soul-sucking evil... we don't need to hand them a "screw us even more please" permit.
Wow. This is bad. All this will do is drive up end customers monthly costs and bring lower data caps. You think the data caps are bad now when you are with Comcast and have to option to go to a competing company? Just ask someone who can only get Comcast as their service provider how bad they get screwed by Comcast. Everyone who have TWC better hope they can get Verizon FIOS because this is going to suck if the deal goes through.
I may "only get" 40 Mbps down with CenturyLink DSL, but it is way better than giving Comcrap any of my money. Who needs cable tv when you have the interent? Just like news papers. Why would I want a subscription when I can get everything in it free on the internet?
Some of you guys are hilarious. You recognize the corrupt 'justice' system, yet you want that same government to 'nationalize' (ala Cuba, et al.) an entire industry, Utopia to follow. . .somehow. *dopeslap

The reason some countries have lower internet prices is because they have sky-high tax rates. Those countries mostly have suicidal immigration policies, so don't expect that gravy train to last, as with their 'socialized' medicine, which is an obstacle in the best of times and completely unworkable in an empire.

You should be demanding that the government step aside from commerce, not regulate it more (at least as regards telecom). The name of the current game is private profits at the expense of public costs. It is the government itself which facilitates this via crony regulation, under the (false) label of 'capitalism.' It's no such thing. But the relevant parties have you in a heads-they-win/tails-you-lose position psychologically. Your 'alternative solution' is to double-down on your own oppression.

For another current example, look at how the feds keep blocking Dish Network from succeeding in wireless. They (and others) have the wherewithal to bring competition to telecom, yet it's the government that screws them and us--and in the name of competition!

As others have observed (from painful experience), these are two god-awful companies, Comcast & Time-Warner. They're truly made for each other. They'd sink like a rock if the feds weren't running a de facto protection racket for them. Let them make their own way, like adults.

Kudos for recognizing part of the serious problem, but there is a far, far better way.
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