Command Prompt 0 Percent Completed?


Feb 3, 2013
I am attempting to format a micro SD card 64gb in command prompt because it won't format elsewhere (regular windows explorer and disk management both fail to format to NTFS)
I found the solution on TomsHardware and am attempting it, but command prompt doesn't seem to be getting anywhere and is staying at 0 percent... Does it just take a long time or???
UPDATE: it got to 1 percent finally, how long should it take??

sound slike the card is dying or damaged and you probably won't get anywhere. A full format can take a while, especially over a sd-card reader vs a sata drive, but the fact that windows format won't see it or disk manager, most of the time that's a dying card. a small percent of the time, it's just a weird parition error, but those are far and few.

the thing is it formats just fine to exFAT...guess ill just let it be exFAT....Are there any programs to check a sd card's health?