Commands to increase DHCP pool


Oct 29, 2014
Hello all,

On my network, DHCP is no longer giving out IP addresses, i'm having to move too many devices to static. From what i gather, it's probably because the DHCP range is exhausted, so i want to increase it.
Please what commands do i use for this? Would it be better to somehow reset DHCP first?
OR is there a better way to solve this issue/prevent it's recurrence?
(I use a cisco 1941 router).
Thank you.
You really shouldn't be attempting this if you don't know how to do it and can't research the question. If you mess about with the router without knowing what you are doing you could end up disconnecting your company's internet connection and disabling your LAN.

I would strongly advise you to hire a professional who understands Cisco routers to do this work for you. It is a simple job, so shouldn't be too expensive; making a mistake would be very costly.