comment on my 18 month old SSD

indian messiah

Apr 3, 2015
is this ok??? current system specs 1.8GHZ core 2 duo , 4gb Ram , sata 2
have done secure wipe using windows 10 and list part 3 times

benchmark after 18 months

this is my SSD secs...


Update: You have a SATA 2 controller, so you are limited in performance to roughly 280MB/second sequential read/write. Even then, the controllers are not all the same and some AMD ones for example won't max that out either.

You would need a good SATA3 controller to get the maximum performance from your SSD.

The second issue is that different SSD programs report performance differently (I don't know the exact details on that).

Even if you COULD be getting better performance in the real-world you often can't tell the difference between what you have and a better SSD.

well the prformance ssesm to be more jerky than the first time i got it . I have provided the benchmark above . did it with 2 software and get similar results..

should i secure wipe the SSD now? Note that i used the windows 10 secure wipe and the diskpart ( which is not a sceure wipe) only. I understand that a true secure wipe is using Gparted