Comment on my build(ultimate pc build)


Jul 12, 2016

This build is aimed for gaming mainly, of coz there will be movie watching so sound will be a great concern. Gaming will be fps game and other common games like lol as well. Aim to build a pc that can last like 5 years and have room to upgrade. Personally, i like the rampage V edition 10 alot so thats the reason i pick it only.

The budget of coz around $4000-5000 which is around the list so i just hope theres ppl that can help me review and optimize it
I think that you should build a PC for $2000, and give the remaining $3000 to charity.
You will still have a very very capable PC, and the charity will spend the money on something a lot more useful than over-priced PC components

no jokes please. This is my first personal build pc and i dreamed to build one since i was young. Dont ruin one;s dream please.
Your build is fine for today.
But , there will be no room to upgrade, except possibly the graphics cards.
In 5 years there will be two newer generations of cpu and motherboards.
In a year or so, I expect to see motherboards capable of Optane solid state devices.

I might suggest backing off a bit and buying what you need for today and a year or two.
If your main use is for gaming, you will find the superior single core speed of a I7-6700K to be better.
few things look at nve ssd over the one you picked for speed.
i would wait to see if intel keeps the 2011-3 pin out with the next skylake-e that dropping soon,
on the video cards look to pick up one titan x card. it be the same price as two 1080 cards. with newer games there now not written well for sli. your better off using one fast gpu.
i agree but theres a problem that i cant wait anymore lol.
Basically, my laptop is coming to its end of life (i can only use it for typing and browsing web). So i reli need a computer (desktop) to play some fps game like battlefield, csgo, fallout etc with my friends. And i am pretty lazy to change the stuff every single year so i hope my build can like last for few years at least. Like my laptop bought in 2012 and till now i didnt change anything. So i will be glad if the build can at least play fps games in few years so I am wondering wts the suggestion? FYI, the gtx 1080 sli is bought so.... I dont have the chance to switch everything
Yes, I understand. A 6850K is not necessary for gaming. It even is worse than 6700K in terms of gaming. You don't need a 3200MHz RAM if you use a dedicated graphics card. You don't need the Tempered Glass of the Evolv ATX. IMO the standard one already looks awesome.

Hmm i agree with you A
And actually just i wanna ask forz 170sli would it be better on X99 motherboard or Z170 motherboard?


I wasn't joking about your build.
Many of the ultra expensive components you have chosen are not necessary and will not really help for gaming.
A fast i5 on a normal motherboard with normal memory in a $50 case is all you actually need.
A normal SSD is plenty fast enough for anything except heavy duty video editing, and a 700W power supply is more than enough.
If you are rich, then a GTX1080 and a really good quality monitor are a good idea, but why would you need 2 1080s in SLI? Each one has twice the power of a 980....

I also wasn't joking about giving to charity.


If i go for an i5 and a normal motherboard and a $50 case why would i called it my dream? I dont take scoring a pass or a 70 a dream. I need at least a 90
$4000 - $5000 is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a gaming PC. Anything more than $2500 and you get very rapidly diminishing returns on your investment and that's not a good thing. I wouldn't buy anything more than this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6800K 3.4GHz 6-Core Processor ($438.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG A80 128.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($123.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI X99A GAMING 7 ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($238.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill TridentZ Series 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($94.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 950 PRO 256GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($189.98 @ B&H)
Storage: Western Digital BLACK SERIES 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($119.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card (2-Way SLI) ($629.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card (2-Way SLI) ($629.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case ($107.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 P2 1000W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($177.98 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer ($19.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $2772.75
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-30 14:38 EDT-0400

Please take into account that there $2000 spend on my audio and monitor
Hey, why don't you try a 4K TV? The only weakness that I know is the input lag. If you don't care about input lag much, it's a solid choice for you. These are the advantages of a 4K TV:
1) You can upscale most contents and get great scaling (except 480p and 1440p as far as I know), while 1440p upscales the most common content (1080p) poorly.
2) It's big, which means it's great for watching contents.
3) With big screen size and resolution comes advanced multitasking.
4) If you say that 4K games are so hard to run, standard 1440p @ 144Hz and ultrawide 1440p @ 100Hz ones are even harder.
5) If you demand more than 60Hz, you can buy a 4K TV that supports 1080p @ 120Hz and you'll get close to 4K quality (thanks to 4K upscaling) and at 120Hz.
6) a 4K TV can be set to 21:9 aspect ratio (if you don't mind black bars, which I don't) and get a resolution that's a little bit more than the ultrawide 1440p monitor.
If you play CS:GO or other FPS games that is extremely competitive (every single detail counts), the input lag does affect. Other than that, you won't notice it. Don't buy LG 4K TVs. They have a poor input lag (50ms and more). Samsung 4K TVs have a pretty good input lag for a TV (15-20ms), but none of them has support for 1080p @ 120Hz (correct me if I'm wrong). Most (if not all) Sony 4K TVs have 1080p @ 120Hz support, and they have an okay input lag (30-40ms). Most of the monitors have an average input lag of 10ms. Check to know the detailed input lag.
The only thing I really disagree with your build is the motherboard, unless you have a lot of experience overclocking you don't really need that type of motherboard. Simple overclocking can be done on pretty much all x99 boards. The board you picked out is more tuned towards people who really want to mess with all the settings to get the best performance possible. I really would just find a good pc modder and put some of the budget towards having them sleeve your cables and custom loop your whole system.

Oh thats sad coz one of my main purpose is to play csgo
Should also invest in a ASUS Essence STX II PCI Express x1 Interface Hi-Fi Quality Sound Card priced at $250 for amplified sound clarity, extra SSD's for back up (not sure why you have a toshiba 3tb... get wd Black), and noctua fans...

that will make everything high end ;p
and btw... csgo is a poor man's game. Your pc on the other hand is for playing the latest title, not some 2012 game where people bet and play LAN tournaments. lmao

if u had $4k, u could just get a $2k pc rig and a $2k gaming laptop. but hey, you do you.