Comp restarts when launching COD and BF4 in SLI


Nov 17, 2013
My PC has dual gtx780's and they work fine when I play any Blizzard game/LoL/Dota2. I am even able to play COD and BF4 if I unselect SLI mode and only use 1 graphics card. It is only when I select SLI mode and load into either game (BF4 or COD) that my computer restarts itself. This happens when I actually join a game and not when I am in the lobby/settings. I have a 1000 watt power supply and there are no overheating issues. Does anyone have any ideas? I would really like to play these new games with both graphics cards. Thanks again.

I think it may be a driver problem with BF4, I loaded up my default bios and still had my computer crash on BF4 - I am running 2 7970's with a Corsair 1200 watt psu. BF4 has a lot of bugs DICE needs to address!


Not sure if you guys have COD Ghosts too but the same thing happens in that game as well. Makes me sad I dropped $3000 on a PC that can't be used to its max without restarting while playing "next gen" games.