comp wont turn on


Feb 14, 2013
Need some help. I shutdown my comp using mouse and waited then turned it off from plug on the wall and went out with friends. Came back home about 5h later and comp doesnt turn on. No idea whats happened. Ive tried taking it apart and putting it back together but nothing. I have xfx 550w, asrock pro4m motherboard, i5-3570k, Windows 7 64. On phone atm. Might be slow reply.

Wont turn on. Only thing I havent tried is new psu but dont have spare one.

Lol yes. And just tried psu in a different comp and it works. But I dont think its mboard? Or processor? Dont know how it could blow or w/e from turning it off?
Front panel connectors?Check them.
Try a different RAM or if you have two take one out and then try and then swap
I've never seen a processor go bad so it probably lies in the motherboard.
Have a look at the motherboards capacitors
Try a different motherboard
Did you overclock when the PC was on?

I will try these and see what happens. I have oced it to 4.0 with a hyper evo 212 and doesn't overheat since I use core temp to see temps. So not sure why it isn't working. I was using instant boot from asrock regular mode. Do you think that might of done it? Even though I always shutdown properly. Will message tomorrow to see if anythings happened. Thanks.
Ok not sure what happened. Anyway i've got it to work and i had to restore to earlier date because of black screen + cursor. Um well now my overclock isnt overclocking? if that makes sense. Basically i try put the overclock to 4.0 from original 3.4. And put the power options on high performance but it only goes to 3.8/7 and i think even if i put the overclock to stock it still goes around that.

Also my graphic card sometimes crashes then says recovered at the bottom right of screen. Think my motherboard might be f up? I was thinking of reinstalling windows 7 to see if anything will happen?
Well it's working again but my processor isn't stable and also 1 of my ram slots isn't working so i have to use the other slot. Could the motherboard have messed up my overclock? It's going from 3.6-3.8 and keeps moving up and down between that clock? I normally overclock to 4.0ghz but it just doesn't want to do it.