comparison of heat dissipation capability of WATERBLOCK and fan


May 13, 2018
There are two types of GeForce GTX TITAN graphics card in terms of heat dissipation: normal fan and waterblock. Which is better (I have an intuitive preconception that fan is better than waterblock)? Thanks.
A normally cooled graphic card has a fan cooled heat sink inside of the graphics card. The graphics card with the waterblock has no internal heat sink, it depends upon the circulated water flowing through a radiator to dissipate the heat.

A relatively larger radiator has the ability to dissipate more heat than the internal heat sink.
In terms of effectiveness, the waterblock method has the possibility of using a larger radiator. Meaning that the radiator selected can outmatch the heat sink in the regularly cooled graphics card. But it can also be much more expensive.

Unless you have a custom water cooled CPU, I would select the regularly cooled graphics card. Even if you have the custom water cooler, you would need to make sure that the added expense is worth it to you.
Thanks but I didn't quite follow the logic line. What does waterblocked graphics card have to do with CPU cooling method? Anyway, you mean waterblock is better in terms of dissipation effectiveness than fans?

PS: I am using a water cooler for my CPU. The waterblocked TITAN is cheaper than the fanned TITAN for the item I am choosing.
A normally cooled graphic card has a fan cooled heat sink inside of the graphics card. The graphics card with the waterblock has no internal heat sink, it depends upon the circulated water flowing through a radiator to dissipate the heat.

A relatively larger radiator has the ability to dissipate more heat than the internal heat sink.