compatibility, gtx980 to asus Rampage 4 Extreme moyherboard.


Jul 26, 2009
Black screen only, after installing , single MSI GTX980 Gaming card to replace GTX680 cards in SLI. When GTX680 is put back, screen is working ok. The GTX680 driver was removed and new driver for GTX980 was installed prior to installing GTX980 card. Computer build are: motherboard--asus Rampage 4 Extreme. Power supply--Enermax Galaxy 1000w Memory--corsair 16g CPU--I7 3820 Am I having a compatibility issue !! ??

dont install drivers before the card

remove all drivers, use DDU

install the card

and THEN install the drivers for the new card
But the other day at a friend of mine we just switched out the GPU, from 780 to 1080 and after boot it already showed in DevManager as GTX 1080, without any driver reinstall. We did it nonetheless but it worked without.

your performance, or settings could be affected

its always better to uninstall and then re-install drivers

TANKS FOR THE SUGGESTION ! there is a problem with that suggestion . After install the new card, there is nothing but BLACK SCREEN. Making it impossible to install anything !! IS IT POSSIBLE THAT , BIOS upgrade may help ??