Compatibility help please?


Feb 4, 2015
Will an Asus M5A99X EVO R2.0 motherboard work with a Zotac geforce gtx 660 synergy edition?
I looked on pcpartpicker, and looking under compatibility with the zotac card shows that the Asus board is supported.
Contradictory, looking under supported video cards for this Asus mobo doesn't show the card being supported (at least not the synergy edition... just stating the regular zotac geforce gtx 660)
I have problems with this card not accepting my current motherboard (or vice-versa) and I'm perfectly fine with upgrading, I'm just scared of another motherboard not reading this damned card.
Anyone certain/convinced that they will work together?

That's what I had heard until my current mobo (intel msi z87-g41 pc mate) wasn't reading this zotac card (even though the card isn't dead) I'll just chalk that up to "unforeseen variable" and assume what you said applies indefinitely lol.