Compatibility Question .


No, they will work fine. It's just that they may have problems when the CPU goes into C7 sleep state. Corsair has a pretty good explanation:

I've seen the term Haswell ready a lot, does this mean these don't function with Haswell CPUs?

No, they will work fine. It's just that they may have problems when the CPU goes into C7 sleep state. Corsair has a pretty good explanation:

I'd avoid the CX line of Corsair PSUs if I were you. This mid-range Seasonic is one of the best for the money. A bit more expensive than the Evga you were looking at, but it should last the life of any system... and more.
Generally for budget PSUs with high quality:
Seasonic Units are great
As are XFX (except for the XT) - they are actually made by Seasonic
For corsair the new CXMs are decent (grey lettering on the box, 450/550/650W) all other CX/CXM units are utter garbage