Compatible budget rig


Aug 5, 2015
I am thinking of buying a budget rig around 50k Indian rupees. Is the components compatible.

Amd fx 6300
Asus m5a97 r 2.0
Corsair vengeance 8gb either 4x2 or 8x1
Cooler master force 500.

I am having problem choosing the right GPU and PSU compatibility.
I don't have xfx or evga type brand in my area and seasonic is kind of costlier. Is corsair cx600 of gs600 compatible to either of these GPU

R9 280x
R9 380 4gb
Gtx 960 4gb

My budget is exceeding coz of these cards but better for a long run than a 2gn card. I am not going to crossfire GPU and currently not playing at 1080p but may play in future plus I am thinking of oc my CPU using a cooler master hyper 212 evo in a year or so.
Please provide me with a PSU compatible to GPU or should I go for the higher watts.
Thanks in adv....

Case and PSU are currenty out of stock you can change them to this


PSU: There really isnt anything good in...
thanks for that but i had that also bt this time i am thinking of going for amd. my rate was fx 6300 for 8200rs asus mobo was around 7000-7500 1gb hdd segate for 3500 ram vengenc 8gb for 4350 and cabinet for 3100. total around 27000.. m confused if corsair gs600 will be enough for a r9 380 or gtx 960 4gb or r9 280x plus a cm 212 hyper evo in future..
In your first post you said that your budget is 50k so i linked you best components you can get for 50k.

I would not go with AMD if you will use your PC for gaming, i3 4160 is better than fx-6300 in all games

And dont get Corsair GS series PSU they are not very good quality, here you can check which PSU are good quality get one from TIER 1 or 2 -

And here you can check what wattage PSU you need for which GPU -
the rate on flipkart is much different than the rate provided on laminton road. intel was much costlier as compared to amd.. plus there are very few of psu brand available here in that corsair is better and that gs600 is for around 5k for online cheking of rates i use this site

plus i can oc the fx 6300 and not have bottleneck and get mantle support in amd.
Even if you OC fx-6300, i3 4160 is still better -

And you will need to get good motherboard and CPU cooler to OC fx-6300 and then the total cost for fx-6300 will be more than for i5 with h81 motherboard and stock cooler.

If your budget is not 50k, than tell me your budget and i will build you the best PC you can get for your budget from two sites you linked

the i3 and the fx has about same price range bt for oc the asus m5a97 r 2.0 is a good choice sa per what i have read here and there. my budget can be stretched to 55k max. min of i5 is 13k for 4440 plus the mobo if 4k is around 17k.. fx plus asus wil cost me around 15k if bargained.
i will tell you what i had in my mind for nw.. fx 6300 + asus m5a97 r 2.0 for 15k hdd 3.5k ram 8gb 4.5k max cabinet 3.1k then a sapphire 270x and a corsair vs650. bt after reading and all i went for cx600 then gs600 and 270x to either of 280x, 380 4gb or 960.. thus increasing my budget..

Case and PSU are currenty out of stock you can change them to this


PSU: There really isnt anything good in stock, either is bad quality or it costs too much because there are only 700w+ good quality PSU in stock, so try to get this one
Nice... Bt will the GPU be good enough for a future expansion... Coz 2gb vram will be less as compared to 3 and 4gb cards... The gtx is last option if the budget is not extended to 55k.. Can I ask y not a AMD... Ciz m juz gonna do gaming n sum movies n crap... Intel is more suitable for rendering purpose.. Even though the games have rendering.. Bt amd can suffice it...
I didnt pick AMD GPU because the use more power os you would need better PSU which would put you way over budget, If you find a good deal you can change the GPU to r9 280X which is a bit better than GTX 960 but you will also need 550w o more good quality PSU for r9 280X

2gb of Vram is enough for gaming on 1080p Monitor or lower
O my bad i tought it said CS.

Anyway GS quality is about the same as CS, the only difference is that GS is more "bling bling" with blue LED fan.

the only good quality Corsair PSU are RM (850w model), RMi series, AX/ AXi series, HXi series