Hello guys I am planning to build a computer, and collecting parts for it. So far I've got
8 GB Corsair memory, Geforce GTX 760 (MSI Twin Razr), Samsung 840 Evo 120 GB SSD and 2 TB Seagate Barracuda inside Silverstone ML07. Now the problem is selecting a CPU. I am under a budget and I thought of going for AMD processors but powerful processors are not for iTX Mobos. So I selected Intel i3, but I am afraid it might bottleneck 760. Please recommend a budget CPU that wont bottleneck 760 and goes with on iTX motherboard. Other ideas are also welcome. But iTX is not for argument, please.
8 GB Corsair memory, Geforce GTX 760 (MSI Twin Razr), Samsung 840 Evo 120 GB SSD and 2 TB Seagate Barracuda inside Silverstone ML07. Now the problem is selecting a CPU. I am under a budget and I thought of going for AMD processors but powerful processors are not for iTX Mobos. So I selected Intel i3, but I am afraid it might bottleneck 760. Please recommend a budget CPU that wont bottleneck 760 and goes with on iTX motherboard. Other ideas are also welcome. But iTX is not for argument, please.