Component Selection Help


Aug 3, 2012
Hello there!
I am having a bit of trouble figuring out a few components needed for a rig I am building.
A quick thing before the list, if anything on here is not compatible or you think I could have something better for the money then please just say! :) I am on quite a tight budget so this build really can't go over £480-£500.
Here is the list:

CPU - Intel i5 3470 3.2GHz -

Motherboard - Asus P8Z77 -V LX -

Graphics Card - Sapphire Radeon HD 7770 1GB -

Case - Zalman Z11 Plus -

Cooler - No clue? Something that keeps the CPU cool, not going to be too large and heavy?

PSU - No clue? 500w (not one that'll go bang soon?)

RAM - Corsair Vengeance Low Profile 4GB -

HDD and Optical Drives aren't needed as I already have some so don't worry about those two 😉

So what should I have as a cooler and a PSU? Both of these I would like each to be under £45 each.
I was thinking of a 500w PSU would be enough right?
Another nagging thought would be if my motherboard did not have enough fan headers for my case 😛
Any help would be really appreciated!
a 3470 will run just fine on the included cooler. It can't be significantly overclocked (limited to 4 Bins), so there is no need for a different fan. for your PSU, Antec, XFX, Seasonic in the 430W - 550W range is fine. Be sure it's at least 80+ or 80+ Bronze, and you'll be fine.

use the money saved by not getting a fan, and upgrade to a HD 7850 1GB


Alright, just found an Antec 550w 80+ Bronze -

Found a Sapphire 7850 2GB -

This look good to you? Do you know about the whole fan header thing too?
If not, thanks for your help 😉

I mean't that I was wondering if all the fans on my case could connect to my motherboard/PSU because I don't know how to find out 😛
I was thinking about upgrading to 8GB in the future.
I have no money for an SSD right now 😀

Thanks again!

I have to hand it to you ScrewySqrl, you have helped me a lot and I truthfully want to say thank you, without your help I would probably have great trouble when building 😛
Thanks for the help! :)