Computer Auto Shutdowns For NO REASON


Oct 27, 2016
I built a computer this past summer using knowledge obtained watching dozens of YouTube videos and other things. Easy right? Well all was well except for recently. My computer kept restarting. To add context, my computer would restart about once a day without much happening. I figured that it was a heating problem. I ordered some case fans and the problem was solved, but I figured I'd upgrade from my aftermarket cpu cooler to a watercooler to be safe. This process was a pain to say the least, but I finally got it installed. Once it was installed I booted up my computer only to find that after 5-10 minutes it would shut down. Instantly I thought it was a problem with the cooler. Faulty pump or something similar, so I uninstalled my watercooler and reinstalled my evo 220 air cooler. However the problem still continued. The thing that puzzles me is that I am able to boot my computer fully and play around for a few minutes before it crashes. All my fans are working and so is my cooler so this puzzles me. Can you help me diagnose the problem? The only thing that I feel I did incorrectly was:
Not being grounded
Accidentally touching the mobo a few times
And at one point I tried reapplying thermal paste only to have a very small strand spill off, but that was after the problem was happening so I don't think that that's it.
My specs are:
I7 4790K (I don't overclock it though)
GTX 1070 SC (evga)
2x8 gig hyperx ram


Oct 27, 2016
Update: I've disabled my computers auto shutdown on overheat and I still am having problems. (A.K.A. not a heating issue). I also closely monitored my heat levels when running stress tests to ensure that it couldn't possibly be it.