Computer beeps one long beep then three quick beeps when I turn it on

Jan 23, 2019
So this doesn't happen every single time but it's been getting more and more frequent. I turn my pc on then I hear the beeps. My monitor saying checking signal or something like that for maybe about 4 seconds then goes to the normal screen. My computer acts like nothing happened and it works 100% fine. I had to checked out by a computer tech from memory Express and she check everything and nothing seems to be wrong with it. It's still alittle worrying though now that it's happening 2/3 times rather than the 1/12 times a few weeks ago. Also theres a high pitched whine when my computer is off. It's not always continuous if I put my ear up to it (cause it's not very loud) I can hear the noise and it kinda studders every couple of seconds idk if coil whine does that or if it it coil whine. Any help would be appreciated thank you. My specs are 1080gtx 16 gigs of DDR4 ram and and i7 9700k
Alexoiu that's just it all those things were done when the tech checked it out. She did a full sweep of the computer hardware and software. Ran it overnight on games. Tested it multiple ways and found nothing.
I mean she found nothing as in all her tests of each component come back good. Memory Express has alot of tools to test for faulty hardware. Yes sane beeps. Like not everytime I turn it on but ya. Only thing it seems to effect is the monitor for several seconds than everything goes normal.
Although "each component came back good", apparently something is wrong. Since hardware related, I'd firstly suspect the graphics card. Then, power supply, motherboard or CPU. If all these components were tested and found as functioning with no issues, then I have no other idea, unfortunately.