Computer Black Screens While Playing Games


Dec 24, 2015
This has only started recently and it started with Player Unkown's Battle Grounds (PUBG), weirdly though it stopped happening when i moved to my SSD but it's started happening again. This happens on almost all games i own, it black screens very quickly after getting to the title screen of Ark, same with PUBG, and usually mid-game while playing Warframe though the amount of time it takes to black screen remains inconsistent with Warframe. I attempted to run a Furmark test and it black screened straight away. Neither my cpu or gpu are over heating as they are at their normal temperatures when they crash, RAM usage is also at its norm. Ive checked that all my fans are working and my monitors are connected properly as well as cleaning my pc of dust.

MSI R9 390X 8gb
Intel i7-3770
16gb of HyperX DDR4 1600 MHz ram
ACbel Ipower 85H 650 watt
1tb seagate HDD
250gb 850 evo SSD
Generic Asus motherboard

CPU is fairly old so that may be the issue, but it could also be the motherboard.

Im a bit short on money atm and i doubt i have any other psu's strong enough for my system in the house :\, ill try that as soon as i can. Any recommendations that would work but are relatively cheap?

Edit: if it's any help, nothing turns off, all of my components continue running with fans spinning etc, but sounds stops shortly after the screen goes black.