Computer booting only half the time


Sep 30, 2015
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I am having an issue with a system I build ~1 week ago. It only boots about half the time.

I tested the monitor and cables and they seem to be working fine. I assumed it was an issue with the video card outputting, but I am not so sure now.

How can I track down where the issue is? I am new to all of this so any help is much appreciated -- thanks.

Specs - all new items except gpu
-ASRock AB350 Pro4
-Ryzen 7 1700
-G.Skill Trident Z (2x8gb)
-Seasonic Focus 550FX
-GTX 970
-Samsung EVO 960 250gb

I can provide any additional information needed to help run this down... really want to solve this asap.
To tell if a system is booting but not showing a display is easy: Did you hear the windows startup sound. Yes means it booted fine and its in the GPU or monitor. Being a Ryzen build with no other GPU built in I image you aren't getting that far and do not have a motherbd speaker to hear any error beeps with.

When it doesn't boot, do you even see the initial boot messages fromt he bios? Like press 'Del to enter setup' or drive detection?

[edit] I see they have several Bios updates in the past few months. You might see if running the lastest one resolves the issue. Be sure to update to 3.40 before updating to the latest one if you aren't already at 3.4 or above.
To tell if a system is booting but not showing a display is easy: Did you hear the windows startup sound. Yes means it booted fine and its in the GPU or monitor. Being a Ryzen build with no other GPU built in I image you aren't getting that far and do not have a motherbd speaker to hear any error beeps with.

When it doesn't boot, do you even see the initial boot messages fromt he bios? Like press 'Del to enter setup' or drive detection?

[edit] I see they have several Bios updates in the past few months. You might see if running the lastest one resolves the issue. Be sure to update to 3.40 before updating to the latest one if you aren't already at 3.4 or above.