Computer boots properly boots only on the second time each time

Oct 12, 2018
Hello, I've been looking all over the web but no luck.

each time I start my computer, it freezes on this screen the first time:

Then, I have to force it to shut down. Then, I wait for six seconds and restart my computer and it starts properly.

I bought my computer ten days ago and I installed windows 10 myself.


Microsoft 10.0.17134
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-core processor, 3400 MHz
BIOS American Megatrends 0318, 6/8/2018
BIOS mode Legacy
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Force MP300 1TB

Thank you for your help!

Hello and thanks for your quick reply! I had a look at the reliability history and event viewer, took me a while to check everything, nothing related to the issue. The only error I have in event viewer is event error 10016 DistributedCOM but it's apparently not related if I'm not mistaken.

I'm really puzzled.
Are you comfortable opening the case?

Power down, unplug, and check all internal connections: cables, cards, chips, RAM, jumpers. Carefully make sure that all components are fully and firmly in place.

My thought is that something is slightly loose. System hangs but warms up. Then when you reboot, the "warmed up" culprit has expanded and then is making full contact.

Not at all unusual for connections in a new computer to seem tight when actually they are not fully in place. Or something working a bit loose during transportation or just being moved around in the room even.


Heya, done, I checked everything, still the same thing. This is a mystery. I've never seen or heard of such a problem. :lol:

Hey hey, so, initially I was thinking I was going to update my BIOS and also display POST, so I went to the BIOS, I tried to do the update from there but I had the latest version already so it didn't change, however, for some reason, the boot order changed after that, so it stopped booting my main drive first, after that, I changed the boot order again and put it in the right order, and now the problem seems to have stopped. I have no idea what happened.