Computer boots, turns off after about 6 seconds


Sep 23, 2014
Hello everybody,

So this is my issue, yesterday I was going to go to a friends house and i left my computer on (like I always do) and when I got back it was off and I thought it was just in sleep mode but when I went to turn it on it didn't turn on, so I waited a little and switched some plugs around, after that I turned on but only for about 6 or so, the fans spun, the lights in the case were working everything was working besides the mouse and keyboard, I couldn't see if the display was working because it wasn't on for that much time, (almost new everything like 6 months old, MoBo GPU, PSU and the CPU is like 10 months old) any suggestions?

I was actually having a similar issue with my hx850i about a week after i bought it for my build revamp. My psu was essentially fried but would still give power to the system for a few moments then shut off. The only thing i could do in my situation was do a rma, and (knock on wood) the new ones still working fine.

Liek the previous poster said, it's most likely your PSU. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to turn it on to prevent doing damage to the components. Cut the power to it, even. Best thing would be if you could borrow a PSU from someone and test your system with it.
Btw, what PSU do(did) you have?

Thats exactly what i did too, i had a old cx600m lying around i just easily plugged in, give it a try OP.
Won't let me reply to anybody on my phone, but I have a CM750 PSU and I did the paper clip test and it worked fine, I'm going to pick up a new PSU tomorrow and try that thanks!

What brand would that be? While it's most likely the culprit, i would still get my hands on a borrowed psu and test with it before getting a new one, just to be sure.

People say that allot, but luckily i never had any trouble with them. I had a cx430 for a year and a half and it worked great, i also had a cx600m for about 9 months and never had any problems. But i have a hx850i now, so dont lynch me.

9 months is not enough time to evaluate a PSU. And it's no that bad ones don't work, it's that there are no guarantees that they will and that they won't fry other stuff. It's hazard with them.
Anyway, the hxi is an excellent PSU, you're guaranteed to have no trouble with it.

The hx was going storng for my 970 sli, now it's powering a 980 ti with a second on the way. I love when people panic to sell their cards when new ones come out, and end up selling a $720 980 ti hybrid for $460ish

I'd say a rm750x, if you plan to sli in the future i would just grab a rm850x they go for $99 and $119 respectively on newegg.

Or if you want a psu with a higher efficiency i'd go with the ax760, it's a top tier psu that goes for $130 on newegg.