Computer Build i5 6600K


Apr 25, 2017
Im building a pc its my first time and im on here asking if there is anything im doing wrong or i could do better.
I own a gigabyte 1050ti G1 Gaming, 550W Power supply, 2 TB of space, Zelman z3 plus white case, running windows 10,So im planing to buy off new egg
(GIGABYTE G1 Gaming GA-Z170X-Gaming 7)
(G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4)
(Intel Core i5-6600K 6M Skylake Quad-Core 3.5 GHz LGA 1151)
(MasterLiquid 120 All-in-one CPU Liquid Cooler with Dual Chamber Pump by Cooler Master)
Well if your going to stay with Intel may as well get the i5 7600k and a z270 mb. It is newer tech. Though as you can see with my current build an i5 6600k cpu will fit on a z270mb.

Not a good idea to go the other way around, as in i5 7600k on z170mb, because the motherboard may have the wrong bios, rendering everything a big potato.
I own the i5 6600k it is a good cpu. I am curious though, why you are not getting the i5 7600k and a z270mb? Or for that matter, have you given any thought to a new Ryzen build?

The Ryzen 1600 or 1600x both come in at a similar price point. Plus the motherboards are a bit less expensive. Oh and that cooler you picked is compatible with Ryzen setups. 6 cores plus 6 threads are more future proof then the 4 cores and no threads you get with the 6600k or 7600k. You can do a lot more things at once with that extra firepower. Just a thought.

If all you want it for is gaming though, the intel is the way to go. It does get slightly better framerates and overclocks much higher.

I personally am saving for a new Ryzen setup. Going slow getting there though.
To be honest with you the pc I own right now is in fact with a amd processor and it gave up on me after a year... so I decided to go with intel, anyways I will mostly play games on the pc, I have not considered getting a i5 7600K and a z270mb the thing is im new to the building pc's and im not too sure what im doing, so im mostly going by what I find on the internet
Well if your going to stay with Intel may as well get the i5 7600k and a z270 mb. It is newer tech. Though as you can see with my current build an i5 6600k cpu will fit on a z270mb.

Not a good idea to go the other way around, as in i5 7600k on z170mb, because the motherboard may have the wrong bios, rendering everything a big potato.
notice the msi mb has more chokes then the GB mb you sent me PMed a link to me