Computer Building Help


Jul 28, 2015
I was looking into a new graphics card and was wondering if my computer can use it.
I was wondering if I could upgrade to a NVIDIA GTX 980

Here are my current pc specs:
CPU: Intel Xeon W3530 @ 2.80GHz
Ram: 12gb
System: 64 bit Windows 10 Pro
GPU: NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
Power Supply: 550 or 650 Watt (Dont know off the top of my head)
Motherboard: Dell Precision Workbench

Thanks for your help
Your power supply should be fine, but for sure consider upgrading your CPU. It will limit your GPU if you don't, and you won't see the dramatic performance increases you're probably looking for. Anything in the i5 series would be excellent, something like the 4670k or 4790k. They overclock easily, but are excellent just by themselves as well.

Thanks for your help.


I'll actually look into that. I've just never had any problem with my CPU before and really didn't think it needed to be upgraded.

Do you think an i7 would do any better or should I look more into an i5?

I would look into getting the i5-4690k, but I'm pretty sure your motherboard doesn't have the correct socket for it. I would recommend getting this with the 4690k:


Personally, I haven't found the i7s to really perform that much better. The differences are slim, and not usually worth the cost. If you've got the money to spend then go ahead, but quite honestly the i5 series would be more than enough.