Computer Building Recommendations?


Dec 29, 2013
I want to build a computer with as many total cores (hyperthread counts) as I can, for as cheap as I can. So say I want 40 cores total. Is that even possible? If not, what is the max amount I could get on one motherboard? I realize it depends on the motherboard.. I just am not too familiar with a lot of computer hardware, so I need a lot of help.

Does anybody have any recommendations for motherboards/cpus to maximize core amount at the lowest possible cost?

(If you want to give more suggestions other than simply the motherboard and cpu's, that would be great because I have never built a computer before (; )

Thank you so much everyone.
Unless you go with a server MB that has more than one processor socket, you are limited to the number of cores that are available on CPUs. Most gaming processors have at max 8 cores. Some AMD opterons have up to 16, but are designed for servers. May I ask why you think you need that many cores?

Thanks for the reply! The reason I want so many cores is actually to 'rent' the processing power out to 🙂

Woah after looking at the replies I realize how crazy expensive that is! xD

So there is no way to actually have multiple 8 core cpus in one computer?

Yeah.. em.. I am just going to give up right now. Thanks for the help! xD