Computer Case Fan question


Apr 2, 2015
Hi, I was wondering if changing the stock case fans that came with the Thermaltake Versa h22 would make any realistic cooling or noise difference? It just doesn't seem like a ton of air is being moved by these fans.


Apr 2, 2015
I know its a cheap case. that's why I'm wondering if upgrading the case fans at some point would be worth it. Are case fans not like cpu fans which you can get better cooling and lower noise?

to a point yes you can get more expensive fans that have better quality bearings

are your temperatures too high with the stock fans?




good fans but at uk prices three of those cost more than the case did--in fact 2 of those probably about the price of the case


same price as the phanteks

pc components are a fair bit more expensive in the uk compared to usa



Oh. Sorry about that. Those two brands are the best, quietest, and move the most air. I,have both brands in my system. I cant recommend anything better than these quality fans. The fans you have arent bad but if you want to see a NOTICEABLE difference you will need to go to one of ones i suggested or you wont really see any temp change. I research your case and these 120mm fans will push alot of air given the size and dimensions of your case. Anything else might be alittle better but not much. Im order see see a difference you should go with high air flow fans or dont change the ones you have.

yeah it drives me crazy that parts are 30--40% cheaper in the usa



Apr 2, 2015
Alright it sounds like I'll just stick with these. Temps are fine now but if I were to over clock I was looking to see if I should just upgrade the cpu fan or the case fans as well.

This is true although as there are import fees around.


"Hi, I was wondering if changing the stock case fans that came with the Thermaltake Versa h22 would make any realistic cooling or noise difference? It just doesn't seem like a ton of air is being moved by these fans."

The answer to the question. Is YES it will make a differnce and NO the noise will not increase (providing you buy good stuff like the fans i suggestioned) and you are correct that the stock fans dont move alot of air like the premuim fans.