Computer chasis/cabinet sometimes gives shock!


Aug 24, 2016
Very new PC,Mobo-Gigabyte,PSU-Corsair 550W.Sometimes,when the metal back panel is touched,it gives shock.Sometimes it dosen't.Checked with a tester,it showed +ve when touched at metal back panel,the plate on which the mobo sits.But it showed neutral when touched on PSU's metal body.Why is this happening sometimes?But sometimes I have noticed spark at switch board,when it is switched on.

Last thread I saw like this, the person did not have his house wiring grounded. If yours is, then you have not installed the system properly. Remove the parts, re-install them, make sure you use the motherboard stand-offs and keep PSU wires clear of parts.
Usually I find the cause of this to be the wall-plug.

If you're using a multiplug, try connecting the PC directly into a (different) wall socket, without the multiplug.

Bad ground wire somewhere, could be in the PSU, or wall, but usually happens in cheap multiplugs.

Last thread I saw like this, the person did not have his house wiring grounded. If yours is, then you have not installed the system properly. Remove the parts, re-install them, make sure you use the motherboard stand-offs and keep PSU wires clear of parts.