Computer component problem please help


Mar 14, 2015
Right my self built computer has been working absolutely spot on up until today. Was watching videos on YouTube and the screen flicked and went off checked the cable at the back thought maybe it had popped out and got a small shock off the computer case screws. So I switched it off can't get any image and I still get a small shock off the back of the computer. I've switched it off and havnt touched it since. Any suggestions what is going on? Really hope it's not the graphics card I'm not quite ready to up grade yet.
If you are getting zapped off the grounded case enough that you can feel it, chances are it isn't from any 'load' side wiring of the PSU. It would have to be from the 'line' side. W/o some basic test equipment, it will be hard to determine where the issue lies. But it seems like the PSU is probably at fault. Like maybe a capacitor or other item failed, melted, or some other way died and is grounding out to the PSU's case.

I wouldn't use that PSU until I could verify it is still safe to use.

Thought it might have lasted longer than a year but I shall look into getting a new one, thank you. Small update I took the mini hdmi cable out of the tv and got a shock from the side that plugs into the graphics card. Is this something to worry about or is that something the psu has done?

Just had a thought. Do you get a shock from the monitor? I know it is hard to find a metal surface on the monitor to touch, but maybe the metal portion of the video cable that is still attached to the monitor. See if it arcs to ground when you touch it to a grounded surface. I'm thinking it may be wise to eliminate the monitor as the problem.

Once you verify the monitor isn't the culprit, then the PC's PSU would be the next logical suspect.