Computer componets not work


Jun 15, 2015
I don't know what happened but my computer froze and will not display anymore. I had been using integrated graphics i5 so I suspect its either my processor or my drive (because the drive was discounted and has been causing trouble)
sorry for any mistakes I'm typing on my phone.

My graphics card is broken that's why I have been using integrated graphics.

I'm typing on my phone so please excuse any mistakes.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Edit: I turned it on and according to gigabytes faqs the beep code means that its working normally but won't display through the integrated or graphics card.
Ok sorry it took me so long to respond I figured this out a little while ago and thought i should at least write my solution for anyone that might have the same problem.
The SATA cable connector that connected my Sata cord to the WD green drive broke and i was able to fix it by taping it on with electric tape(kinda sketchy I would recommend buying a new instead other wise you will have to replace the tape and you might brake a pin) so i recently went and bought a new hard drive and the sales person explained that having a green drive for your operating system was a bad idea(oops) and said its best to go for a blue/black. I got that and now it works perfectly so good job many fun times 😀