Computer Continues To Freeze


May 27, 2016
Ok. I have hunted and hunted and still no luck. My computer freezes mainly during gameplay Diablo 3. It has froze outside of the game maybe 3 times which was followed by some change i might have made to stop my computer from freezing during gameplay. When I say freeze I have to force restart. I have tested everything and everything always passes. Maybe yall know something i dont or a new test method. Computer Spec Below

CPU AMD FX9590 Cooled with Corsair H100
PSU Corsair RM850
Motherboard ASUS Crosshair V Formula Z
Ram 4 Sticks Kingston 8gb DDR3
Memory Samgsung EVO 850 SSD 500GB

It certainly could be. NOt really CPU, but motherboard. It's the motherboards that have trouble handling these hot chips like the FX 9590. Is turbo on or off for...

GPU FINE. I tested CPU with the test of ram and it froze so i decided to take 2 sticks out to see if maybe i dont have a bad egg so far nothing

So far that's the result I'm getting looks like I might be buying new ram
How many sticks do you have in total? I know it takes time, but try one stick and try to find the bad stick(s) of RAM. After you find the bad stick of RAM, run Prime95 a few times with it to see if it freezes consistently.

You might also want to look into using memtest86. It's not perfect, but can diagnose RAM errors. It takes a long time, though. Windows build-in Windows Memory DIagnostic in the Administrator Tools of the Control Panel is quicker but not as accurate.

Ok so my computer is still freezing even will every ram swapped out so is this a CPU issue than?

It certainly could be. NOt really CPU, but motherboard. It's the motherboards that have trouble handling these hot chips like the FX 9590. Is turbo on or off for the CPU?

The RAM was running at 2400mhz. I did however turn it to 1600 and now stress testing it to see if that helps


i can try
1: make a clean installatiin of win

2: install your drivers manually using device manager with driver easy software

3: run 3d mark bench

4:tounch with your finger all the aluminium coolers chipset and cooler cpu if its hot

5: instaal aida 64 check voltages and ampers fluctuation

6: check your psu manualy with voltage and amper meter

7. Test all your devices especially hard disk and mother individually if you can ask for a friend or go to a pc store repair shop to test your devices indivially whit other hardware.
Touching your finger to stuff does nothing. Of course it is all going to be hot, very hot where it can burn you, it's a computer. Clean installation of Windows doesn't seem like it would do anything, these freezes seem to clearly be hardware related. We already have run benchmarks. Also, the PSU should be excluded since it was under heavier load in Furmark and did not freeze the computer.

2400 is way too high, 1600 is as high as you should go with that Processor/chipset and 4 sticks of RAM.

If turbo core and C6 is off as well, i agree with Turkey that you likely have a defective motherboard.

@Bananero generalized troubleshooting lists are not helpful especially when we are this far into working with him on an issue that is fairly common due to that processor. If you are not knowledgeably equipped to help with an issue I suggest you move along to another thread that you are.

No worries let him list what he wants. Im not a retard however I am new to AMD CPUs never had an issue like this with intel serves me right for trying to save a buck or 2. However What is C6? and how do i disable it?
Ok so I turned Turbo off lowered memory down to 1600mhz and disabled C5 & C6 and stressed it for about 46min without it freezing once. Thats a first. Can anyone tell me why disabling those cores would have fixed it? Just so i understand for the future?

You told me before that you already had turbo off, so which is it?

Im sorry I should have been clearer. C6 is a power state, not one of the cores. It should work fine with all cores enabled, however some FX -9xxx users have found that disabling C6 power state improved stability.

I would say if this worked, re-enable the cores and try again.

Interesting... I thought C6 power state only is relative to the PC being in sleep mode?