Computer crash someone please help!


Sep 21, 2011
Hey I'm new to this site so i dont really know what category to put this thread in but anyway, one day my 4 year old computer crashed one day while playing crysis. The computer stayed on but the monitor went into power saving mode and then i decided to get it upgraded because I've been dying for an upgrade, so i took it home and installed one of my games and the same thing happend the screen went into power saving mode. I went back to get it fixed and they ran stress tests and everything seemed to be fine but there was a cord stuck in one of the fans so then I think this drama is over but no. I came home to run crysis 2 and it crashed in the same way. Any idea why? this problem has been on forever just taking it back and fourth to cut price computers abd nithign seems to be working. I have downloaded a driver and everything but i dont think anythings happend, crysis 2 still crashes and on steam garrys mod wont launch and for Team fortress 2 I have to keep on opening it and closing it for it to startup it says im in game but im not its not even running in task manager in applications. Im getting really fed up with these games crashing or not launching. Could it be because since the cord got stuck in a fan could of suffed the video card up a bit but if any knows why this is happening please reply thanks!
sorry if theres any mistakes or bad grammer in there i was in a bit of a rush.

My computer specs are:
Windows 7 home premium 64-
AMD Radeon HD 6870
AMD Phenom IIx4 865 processor
4.00 of RAM
and a 900 watt PSU


Mar 11, 2011
You said that they did stress tests on the PC, but did they do stress tests on the CPU, RAM or GPU? It sounds like your GPU could have over heated when the cord go stuck in the GPU fan and that could have damaged it.