Computer crashes every 5 minutes, and I think I know the problem... but I don't know how to solve it.

May 1, 2018
The problem began when I attempted to correct my ram slot placement (I had them in A2 and B2, not A1 and B1, but apparently it doesn't matter much), and ever since, my computer shuts off with a strange sound (like a mid-game crashed Xbox).

If you know what could help, pls tell, I'm hopeless.
When you swapped RAM, was power shut off/removed at the rear of the computer, or, was the computer merely shut down? (not the same thing when it comes to removing RAM modules)

Reference your MB for what pair of slots the RAM should be installed in...check them one at a time in required first slot, you might have damaged one..

FeelsBadMan, I don't remember turning the power switch off so I suppose I fried one, but now it's working (as long as I don't play games, so it got better but not to 100%)