Computer crashes in safe mode (Windows 7)


Jul 12, 2013
As the title says it, my computer crashes in safe mode.

I began experiencing severe issues today in the normal mode of windows. Windows explorer continuously crashed over and over. (I had not installed anything for about a month excluding CCleaner) What would happen was, I would log in, it would be booting up a few programs and such, then a few seconds later the computer would lock up and freeze. I was unable to close any programs or open any. Then windows explorer would crash and i would be left with a black screen and a moveable mouse. This kept happening over and over. At times i could not even get into the log in screen.

Then i tried safe mode and began removing some unrecognized programs and old things i dont use. Since they all moved into the recycle bin i tried highlighting all the programs and it crashed again.

I suspect this is a memory issue or a harddrive issue. When i attenpted to do a system resotre it gave me a error stating that the C:/ drive had issues.

What ive tried:
•Using last known config
•Built in hardware test
•Clearing the startup folder
•Leting the computer completly cool down

What i cant try:
•virus scan
Because:Computer crashes before it can complete scan
Before you remove or buy anything, then try run in safe mode with command prompt. When the command prompt is ready, type in: sfc /scannow
This will scan your computer for corrupted files, and repair them.. This is normally the way to fix the Explorer.exe error, and a lot other errors. It's worth to give a try.
If its not the RAM, and you can't figure out the problem since it won't let you run your computer, I would find another HDD with windows or any OS on it and startup with that, while having the defective HDD in sata plug 2. Then go to your windows explorer and find the secondary (defective HDD) and format . You will lose everything but this situation happened to one of my friends most likely caused from a virus. Now that it is formated, turn off the computer and take out the new HDD and plug the defective HDD into Sata port 1. Use your windows 7 recovery disk to boot up the PC and install it on the HDD and it will be fixed
Before you remove or buy anything, then try run in safe mode with command prompt. When the command prompt is ready, type in: sfc /scannow
This will scan your computer for corrupted files, and repair them.. This is normally the way to fix the Explorer.exe error, and a lot other errors. It's worth to give a try.
I was finally able to scan the computer COMPLETLY with Microsoft Security Essentials. It showed one Maleware gen which i have REMOVED. Its running OK now but it took so many attempts l that i fear it will happen again on my next startup. I will be doing another scan now, but i will mention, it said before that it was unable to fix some errors.
Still acting up, i went into safe mode with command prompt and it loaded, but without explorer.exe running. I went to see what my computer temps were and the cpu was around 65-70 C° i realize its max is 78 C° but it auto shuts down when it has exceeded that...

It’s a bad idea to clean the inside of your computer with a vacuum cleaner because vacuuming creates a large static build up that could (and most likely will) discharge into the sensitive electronics inside your computer case.
- Instead, use a compressed air duster, they cost between 5-10 dollars.

The plastic can create a charge off of a hose? Wow I've never knew that. And if you use the compressed air cans, you don't really take the dust away. You just blow it everywhere
Turns out, a system file was corrupt, which in turn caused other system files to crash with it when it crashed upon startup. It was repaired thanks to the recommended command sfc /scannow . My system is working properly. Thanks