Question Computer crashes with buzzing sound ?

Oct 16, 2023
So I got this computer built around late 2019. Had no issues up until late 2021/ early 2022 (can't remember exactly) where my computer crashed randomly and all it took to fix that issue was a cleaning and replacement of thermal paste on the CPU heatsink. After around a year, the same issue happened, and replacing the thermal paste seemed to have fix it for around 6 months. Now, a crash happens pretty much everyday. I don't get a BSOD, SOMETIMES my display just turns off, SOMETIMES, it does not turn off but it freezes, and sometimes I can hear my game/music audio even though the display died.

Sometimes the audio plays normally for around 5 seconds, as if the crash didn't even occur, and then it turns into a buzzing loop sound that I can hear from my headset. It even happens when my computer is on idle, or I'm watching YouTube. I have to press and hold power on button on my PC case to reboot the computer. Im guessing this prevents it from producing a proper dump file because event viewer says unable to create a dump file- volumgr error, or something like that? Also, I'm on windows 10, completely up to date.

Here are my specs:

Ryzen 5 3500

B450m Aorus Elite Motherboard

MSI Ventus RTX 2060 Super

650W PSU (can't remember the exact model)

1TB HDD (can't remember the exact model)

16GB RAM Single channel XPG Spectrix D60G

It's very interesting because the most recent professional I took the computer to ran an extremely heavy stress test on both the CPU as well as GPU together, but it didn't crash while under the stress test. It crashes AFTER the stress test was over - exactly when we opened Internet Explorer. Before I got the current RAM, I was using 2 sticks of 8gb RAM, I can't remember which model.

The professional told me it was a RAM problem- he said that the gold color plating on the DIMM slots that attach to the motherboard started to fade away so we replaced that and it seemingly fixed the issue for 2 whole days! Today it crashed the same way, this time I was playing destiny 2, it happened when there was a lot going on, so I decided to try again, but the second time it literally crashed on the MENU.

Here are some things I tried:

  • Replace RAM
  • Stress test CPU, GPU
  • Reset windows completely
  • Uninstalling graphics drivers with DDU
  • Cleaning the PC
Plus many more that I've forgetten.

The 2 professionals that I had taken this computer to both told me that this buzzing crash issue happens a lot with ryzen CPUs, it starts off with the thermal paste and then leads to this.

Could it be that the CPU thinks it's overheating when it's not? The temperatures were perfect for both the GPU and CPU under stress, and the PSU was under max usage and it didn't crash either. And there's no way it's the RAM because I literally replaced it.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Order 66

Grand Moff
Apr 13, 2023
Corsair's VS series are known for being not good. In fact on the psu tier list the corsair VS series (2020) is D-tier recommended for IGPU builds only.
he said that the gold color plating on the---- DIMM slots----- that attach to the motherboard started to fade away so we replaced

The 2 professionals that I had taken this computer to both told me that this buzzing crash issue happens a lot with ryzen CPUs, it starts off with the thermal paste and then leads to this.
Question did the repair shops know the history you told us you had tried. It's easy to give a great explanation of what was wrong based on what you told them. Maybe they got lucky and reset memory in slot and it booted but computer was still broken.

I would try some contact spray cleaner in memory slots and let dry and test.

Test with another power supply.
Oct 16, 2023

Question did the repair shops know the history you told us you had tried. It's easy to give a great explanation of what was wrong based on what you told them. Maybe they got lucky and reset memory in slot and it booted but computer was still broken.

I would try some contact spray cleaner in memory slots and let dry and test.

Test with another power supply.
Both the shops I took it to knew the history yes, I shall take the PC to one of them again either today or tomorrow and retest with different components.

Do you think it's better to remove the components and test them on another machine, or remove one component and try it with another on my own machine ?

Eg- remove my GPU and test it on another machine rather than removing my GPU, using another one on my motherboard and then testing that.