Computer Crashing Often


Apr 6, 2015
My machine usually runs really fast but as of the last two weeks it has been crashing (BSOD) at least once but sometimes three or four times a day. Any browser I use will often crash; either it'll just crash or flash will stop working. Before I started to get the BSOD's flash was crashing more and more frequently. My games and other applications crash as well.

I've updated flash and my drivers with no luck.

I've tried doing virus scans etc. but it's not coming up with anything.

Every time I turn on my computer it says it will scan and repair my C Drive when I next restart and it does that but it always gets to 54% and then just goes to the log in screen.

Here's a OneDrive link for the MiniDump:!112&authkey=!AMvSGzWpWsInlMY&ithint=file%2cdmp

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
because of the nature of this bug, you can try to update the BIOS or remove/update the drivers listed but I would
change the memory dump type to kernel memory dump, run cmd.exe as an admin then run
verifier.exe /standard /all
then reboot the system.
this will enable extra tracking on device drivers (looking for a double freeing of memory) and will bugcheck the system if it detects the problem. it will name the driver in the memory .dmp file.

to turn off the extra driver checking you run
verifier.exe /reset
(or your system will run slow until you turn off the checking)

also, changing the memory dump type to kernel will make the system save the error logs for the razer drivers and someone can dump the errors if the system does not catch the driver being stupid.

your system is 6 versions behind in BIOS updates. or am I looking in the wrong place?

your system was running for 14 hours then bugchecked because of a kernel pool corruption.
most likely you have a driver that freed up a memory block back to the system and did it twice.
or it wrote beyond its own memory block and wrote over another drivers block of memory and the system later detected the corruption and shut down the system.

I would update any old drivers as a start:
\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\ISCTD64.sys Tue Nov 27 11:52:34 2012
this is intels smart connect. look here for a update:

I am not sure about this driver:
\SystemRoot\system32\drivers\MBfilt64.sys Thu Jul 30 20:40:32 2009
I don't know why it is there, your windows version is much newer, all of your other drivers are up to date.
I think it is a old Realtek HiDefinition Audio driver . maybe the date is just wrong?

this driver is old also:
Sonic CD/DVD driver (used by many different CD/DVD programs)
\SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\PxHlpa64.sys Mon Oct 17 07:29:34 2011

you have various razer drivers and I have seen bugs that corrupt memory from
\C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rzpmgrk.sys Thu Apr 17 12:36:12 2014
I think it is the overlay manager. It could be corrupting memory and causing crashes.
you might remove it and see if your problems go away.

machine info:
BIOS Version V2.7
BIOS Release Date 10/24/2012
Manufacturer MSI
Product Z77A-G43 (MS-7758)
Processor Version Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Processor Voltage 35h - 5V 2.9V
External Clock 100MHz
Max Speed 3800MHz
Current Speed 3500MHz


Hey Johnbl, thanks for the reply.

I'll start working through the solutions you've replied and get back to you on how they went.