Ive been using the computer for about 8-10months and haven't had any issues till recently last 5days. If am playing a low performance game such as rocket league, CS:GO the computer will run fine with no issues. Once i switch to a high performance game such as Tiny tinas wonderland, outriders, modern warfare 2 (new one). I can play for anywhere from 15-50mins than the computer either shuts off or reboots itself. Ive played MW2 for 26hrs straight before on the PC no issues Event viewer is giving me this event ID every time before it crashes.
I was
Performance power management features on processor 0 (through 19) in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware.
this was FIXED with a BIOS update
I am still getting another event log error
Event ID 28
Error setting traits on Provider {8444a4fb-d8d3-4f38-84f8-89960a1ef12f}. Error: 0xC0000001
Ive done some trouble shooting steps now
Fresh W11 install
Reseated GPU,Ram, CPU,
Fresh thermal paste
BIOS power management items disabled/enabled
New Power Supply
I have ran FPS montior when playing the games crashing the only major change from mintues 3 to 38 was my RAM usage went from 17.4 Starting to 14.7 before it crashed. The CPU/ GPU usage, temps, voltages etc all stayed around the same numbers the entire time
Any help is useful thanks!
I was
Performance power management features on processor 0 (through 19) in group 0 are disabled due to a firmware problem. Check with the computer manufacturer for updated firmware.
this was FIXED with a BIOS update
I am still getting another event log error
Event ID 28
Error setting traits on Provider {8444a4fb-d8d3-4f38-84f8-89960a1ef12f}. Error: 0xC0000001
Ive done some trouble shooting steps now
Fresh W11 install
Reseated GPU,Ram, CPU,
Fresh thermal paste
BIOS power management items disabled/enabled
New Power Supply
I have ran FPS montior when playing the games crashing the only major change from mintues 3 to 38 was my RAM usage went from 17.4 Starting to 14.7 before it crashed. The CPU/ GPU usage, temps, voltages etc all stayed around the same numbers the entire time
Any help is useful thanks!