Computer decisions help please.


Sep 11, 2014
I built my gaming rig about 6 months ago or so, but left it a little unfinished.
Here's a link to it on PCPartPicker:
Anyway, decent build (my first computer ever so I guess it's okay), made mainly for gaming and day to day tasks, but I ran out of funds so I had to cut on the ram from 8gb to 4gb until I could afford more. A few questions.
I have asked on the link above if I should upgrade to 12 or just 8 and it seems that 8 is all I need. Input on that would be appreciated.
Furthermore, recently I have been very interested in an SSD, after some days of research, I narrowed it down to the SanDisk Ultra Plus 128gb SSD and the Kingston SSDnow V300 120gb SSD. I'm leaning towards the SanDisk because of several benchmarks and real-world tests I saw but I'm open to suggestions.
What I am here to ask, besides the aforementioned questions, is, should I get only the 4gb more to complete to 8 or the SSD (if so, which), or both? And how could I move some things from my HDD to my SSD, including my OS, without moving everything, as there wouldn't be enough space?
Thanks in advance.

I would wait to get one then. The ones you have posted have some question marks to say the least.

Ah, yes, I hear it is one of the best out there but it seems to be outside my price range...

I would wait to get one then. The ones you have posted have some question marks to say the least.