Computer Died, Not sure why, Not sure what to replace?

Jeff Isaac

Oct 1, 2014
Here is my computer:

What Happened:
I was playing League of Legends when it froze up, completely unresponsive. I turned it off. Turned it back on. It tried to boot, but then turned itself back off. Tried again, turned itself back off, tried again and went into some BIOS safety mode where it reset all the settings, I had to re-enter the Time&Date. It ran fine for a couple of hours after this. Then it froze up again. Tried to reboot about 5 times, failing every time.

What I tried:
Swapped the PSU with my wife's computer, turned on fine first try. So I turned it back off & hooked up all of my peripherals and pushed it back under my desk. Turned it on again and -dead- absolutely nothing except GPU, CPU, and Case Fans were blowing. No keyboard lights, no DeBug code on the MoBo, tried removing Video Card & RAM, no lights no code no anything.

Currently: I put my wife's PSU back in her computer and swapped our hard-drives so I still have all of my stuff, we're just down 1 tower..

I'd like help with understanding: What Happened? What do I need to replace? How to prevent from happening again?

Thanks in advance.
take the mb out of the case use one ram stick. if it post outside the case put in another stick in. then the gpu. if it works fine outside the case put the pc back but dont plug the fans or anything in. if it works..plug the fans in one in a time. if the mb wont post righjt start with the mb. may be a failed vrm on the mb as it was under gaming load.

Sorry I forgot to mention, I did try to revert back to when it did successfully boot with the secondary PSU without any peripherals hooked up and it's still dead. Then I removed the RAM. Then I removed the GPU. The only thing I haven't tried removing is the CPU. But something tells me if it was the CPU the MoBo would at least throw a debug code.

Also I am using my wife's tower right now with my hard-drive and peripherals with no problems. (except an angry wife for stealing her computer Lol)

the computer will not POST if you dont have RAM or a CPU in will not get a display out of it
take the mb out of the case use one ram stick. if it post outside the case put in another stick in. then the gpu. if it works fine outside the case put the pc back but dont plug the fans or anything in. if it works..plug the fans in one in a time. if the mb wont post righjt start with the mb. may be a failed vrm on the mb as it was under gaming load.
The good news is that all modern desktop processsors are fairly indestructible under normal and many abnormal circumstances.

This seems like a motherboard failiure.

But don't take my suggestion on it's own, look around, there's guides here written by serious professionals