Computer does not detect GPU after to MOBO and CPU install. Then won't turn on?


Jan 23, 2017
So I installed a new MOBO (B85M-DS3H-A) and a New CPU (Intel I7 4790) and I turned on the computer it was running a little slow for some reason. So I tried running a game and the game instantly crashed I was looking in the logs and saw it wasn't detecting the GPU for some reason. I checked the GPU and sure enough everything was connected properly, but the 2 fans weren't spinning (btw have a nvidea Geforce GTX 950 FTW). Then I shut my pc off and tried turning back on it wouldn't do anything. Then I tried connecting the Cable the connects from the monitor to the GPU to the Dedicated graphics slot, the computer turned on 1 seconds then off, I kept doing this mutltiple times and everytime it turned on for one second.

Other things to consider. Something may be wrong with my pump/fan it's making weird noises and sometimes the fan gets extremely loud.
Test the system without the video card in. You may not have installed the CPU properly, it could be overheating. Could be an issue with the motherboard or power supply,
ok so you may have overtightened your cooler on your cpu. Hopefully you haven't bent any pins. First try backing out the cooler and see if that helps. If not pull off the cooler and check the cpu to see if you bent any pins. CAREFULLY straighten them out and reseat the cpu. See i8f the system starts up without the cooler. IF it does then test the cooler before reseating that to ensure it is running properly. Good luck.