Computer does not turn off


Jul 2, 2016
While on my computer it randomly turned off(possibly do tooverheating)
After it turned off it was not turning back on so I let it cool down.

I unplugged all the cables and when I plugged in the power supply it began cycling turning on and off with no video.

Once that stopped I unplugged the power supply now if I plug it back in it instantly turns on and stays on still with no video and I am unable to use the power button to turn it off.

Everything was working fine before the crash
MB-i3 i5 i7 Main System Mother Board LGA1155 (46MHW DF1G9)

CPU- i7 2600k 3.4ghz Quad-Core(Watercooled)

GPU- GeForce GTX 590

PSU-525W H525EF-00 D525E001L W85G8

Case-Alienware Aurora R3

As you have an Alienware Aurora R3 and if its still under warranty then your first port of call would be to your supplier for repair and I suspect the PSU. You may void your Warranty if you conduct any repairs yourself.

Many of the AAA games can tax your system to the max and cooling efficiency and a decent PSU are all important for stability of the system. I am only suggesting a coarse of action and IMO the PSU is suspect or your cooling is inadequate.
There are Laptop cooling pads available on the market that can help.
If I plug in wire into the power supply the computer fans go on and lights but no video and if I hold the power button it doesn't turn off the only way to turn it off is to pull the plug
Any part on your system could have fried and be shorting enough power to cause this.

How deep are you willing to go into your PC? "...when I plugged in the power supply it began cycling turning on and off with no video..."

Standard debugging is to remove all external wires from your PC (no keyboard, mouse, network, video) then open case and remove the sata connectors to the disk drive and remove the video card. Then remove the PSU connectors from everything except the two power leads to the MB. Then try powering up. Does the system do the same "began cycling turning on and off with no video." or does it complain about no boot device? If it is working it should power down cleanly when you hit the power button. If so, then add the monitor cable to the onboard video on the MB and power up again -- do you see BIOS and a no boot disk message? If so add back the sata connector and power to the disk drive -- do you boot up OK ? If so add back the video card? Does it fail now -- suspect the video card. Does it work? if yes then your PC is working again. This happens sometimes when a connector gets loose.

If the PC was not stable with just memory, CPU, PSU then pull out the memory and power up -- you should get a "no memory" beep code and the power down button should work. If it doesn't then the ony parts left are the CPU, PSU and MB, and one or more of them is not working. It's never the CPU. It's a toss up whether its the MB or PSU, but I like MeanMachine's PSU guess.

It changes sometimes on startup it cycles on and off and other times stays on but I have figured out if I hit the power button it starts doing the cycling but only when I hold it other times it does the cycle by itself
I agree with MeanMachine, I'd replace it. You also might want to do the paperclip test with it. If it has any issues during that, you can be 100% sure it's the problem at least (and if it works, that doesn't mean it's not the problem, it probably still is).
There is a small button on the back of my psu I think it's a reset button if I hold it down when the psu is plugged in the computer stays on, but some of the fans don't spin and if I let go it starts cycling again