Question Computer doesn't always start correctly


Apr 29, 2015
My computer is a few years old but the last few days I have had a problem where it will not always boot. It is ever since I tried to activate secure boot I ended up down some rabbit hole and converted my SSD from MBR to GPT which I needed to do as when I deactivated legacy in the BIOS the system couldn't see the drive. I did also end up updating the BIOS firmware but that update was released October last year and I can't find that the problem has occured for anyone else.

The problem is the computer won't boot if I select the restart option in the OS or if I restart it using the case button while it's running fine. It won't even boot if it is powered down for extended periods of time and then I press the power button. THe only way I can get it to boot to the BIOS/OS is by turning it on waiting then pressing the reset button on the case. Otherwise I get nothing but a black screen, the computer turns on and the lights on the MoBo turn on as normal but nothing comes up no BIOS entry, OS or anything.

My Specs are:
Ryzen 5 3600 CPU
MSI X470 Gaming Plus Max MoBo
Nvidia Geforce 6GB Graphics card

I don't think it's a hardware issue as once it's on it runs perfectly I even left it on all last night just to make sure.

I tried resetting the BIOS by removing the battery and that didn't work even though it's put me back into legacy mode.

The only solutions I can think of is to restore from a backup I put on a removable HDD a few weeks ago or by converting my SSD back to MBR.

Will either of these work? Do you guys have any other suggestions?

Many thanks for any and all help.


Apr 29, 2015
Create a bootable USB stick with Windows and do a repair of the existing Windows installation.

Does the CMOS battery have the correct voltage or is the battery empty?

What's the brand and model of the PSU?
Will that get rid of all my programs and applications? Will I have to repurchase Windows?

I cleared the CMOS by removing and reinserting the battery it's the same one that came with the board and seems functional.

I have a Seasonic GX-550 80+ Gold PSU.

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