Computer exhaust fan


Feb 5, 2014
hey I'm building a PC it's not my first build but it is the first time I've messed with fans I never really gave them much thought. my PC isn't finished yet I still need the CPU I am getting an A6-5400k and until I can afford a new case I will be using the OEM cooler. Will a 80mm exhaust fan that pushes 33.5cfm be good? I have a 120mm front fan as well I'm not sure of the CFM on that one but I'm not sure how long that one will stay there due to it not fitting properly

ok thank you I have another question. will replacing the fan on a OEM heat sink help with CPU cooling? I have a Cooler master fan I was gonna put on the oem heatsink for the CPU but if it won't be any help I don't want to waist the time
my case only has about 6inches between the cpu socket and side panel with out the cpu installed so aftermarket coolers are limited for me till i decide to change cases

the only issue I have with those coolers is the first one says that it blocks 2 of the RAM slots and my mob only has two ram slots so that wouldn't do anygood and the second one wouldn't match my color scheme also it is only for intel sockets I am using an AMD A6-5400k socket FM2 processor
here is my photobucket album for my build so you guys can see everything I have

the CPU should be here either tomorrow or Monday this was a really low budget PC only around $250 if everything was bought brand new which isn't the case only thing bought brand new was the motherboard. I bought the CPU used only because it came with all OEM packaging and the OEM heatsink and I got it $20 cheaper so I got it sooner (yes I'm impatient) anyways when it is done I will most likely do a video of first boot and OS install (windows 7 home premium 64bit)